BSS 901 Dynamic Equalizer

The BSS-901 is great for getting rid of proximity, and you can notch out the sibilant frequencies rather than compress the whole high end.
Empirical Labs EL-7 Fatso Jr.

The EL7 FATSO is a modern digitally controlled analog device that offers many of the "musical non-linearities" exhibited by the older tube, class A discrete, and magnetic tape mediums.
Empirical Labs EL8-X Distressor

The Distressor is an automatic gain (or volume) control device (AGC in engineering terms) designed for pro audio (music) applications.
Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor

The Distressor is an automatic gain (or volume) control device (AGC in engineering terms) designed for pro audio (music) applications.
Summit Audio TLA-100 Tube Leveling Amplifier

The Summit Audio TLA-100A Tube Leveling Amplifier is a classic design with a technological hybrid of vacuum tube and solid state devices.
Universal Audio LA2A

Audio professionals passionate about their compressors revere the LA-2A.
Urei 1176 compressor

It was Bill Putnam himself who, in 1966, was responsible for the initial design of the 1176.
A-Designs MP1 tube mic pre

A Rich, Full Sound with the Quality and Features You Demand.
Slate Pro Audio Dragon

Classic FET compressor circuit from the '60s and '70s, and enhancing it up to mastering-grade specs.
Neve 33609 stereo compressor

Classic Neve 2 Bus Compressor!